Nobody fell in the lake

Ferneyhurst Lake was the target for our litter picking efforts in early May. It was a beautiful morning and we enjoyed the company of some very small ducklings, along with adult mallards and other bird species.

The mature hawthorn was covered in blossom and the fish in the lake were evident!
However, the photo below shows how much rubbish a group of us were able to clear in just one hour: if only the people who enjoy this scenic spot would be careful to take their rubbish home with them (or even use the nearby litter bins), our work would be unnecessary.

There were several other pickers who had left the scene before the photo was taken: there were also some bits that were taken home to be repurposed. A couple of the pickers also took home with them the ‘recyclables’ to put into their own wheelie bins, and the glass bottles were taken to the bottle bank.
Next month’s pick will probably take place on Saturday June 4th (Pick for the Queen?) at 10.30 am, but this is the Jubilee Bank Holiday weekend so do keep a close eye on the church website,, for details of location and confirmation of date. Stout footwear and gardening gloves required and accompanied children are very welcome.

Mary Carter and Marion Swinerd

Ladies Get Together

We are re-starting our ladies’ social get-togethers, and the first one will be a cuppa and catch-up (and some cake of course!)

on Saturday 11th June 9.30 – 11am
in St John’s Church Hall.

If possible, please contact Tracey by Wednesday 8th June if you are coming, or for more details: 07904 502214.
Hope to see you there!

Why dont you join the PCC?

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is the combined governing body of both St Boniface and St John’s Churches.

We meet approximately five times each year and to make decisions on all matters concerned with mission, worship, fabric, finance and pastoral life. In between meetings we have several subcommittees that meet to consider specific areas of church life in more detail.

The only “qualification” you need is to be on the electoral role – everyone has something to give and we would welcome your interest.

If you would like to find out more, please email Lynn Black, PCC Secretary.