
We have installed cycle racks and water butts in the churchyard and our toilets are dual flush. We use mugs rather than disposable cups for our coffee in church.  We offset our gas use via Climate Stewards. Our electricity is charged at a 100% renewable tariff.

Some of our light bulbs are LEDs and we are considering changing the fittings for the main lights in the church so that they can take LEDs too.

We only use recycled toilet rolls and we buy recycled paper for the printer.

Dreams – The churchwarden and eco group has explored with the Diocesan Advisory Committee possible sustainable heating alternatives for when the gas boiler needs replacing. We agreed though that we needed to wait until nearer the time to re-assess technologies available at that time.

We have also discussed the possibility of solar panels but were advised that we were unlikely to get permission for these unless perhaps they were in the churchyard.