St John’s Churchyard Maintenance

A big thank you to those who worked so hard at last week’s maintenance mornings. 

Unfortunately there were more jobs than we could cope with, so some remain undone.  If you’d like to help but couldn’t make the dates feel free to put in an hour or two at times to suit yourself.  I can provide a list of jobs, or you can simply look for things that needs doing – for example there will soon be a lot of leaves to clear-up. 

Alternatively you might consider looking after one particular area:  we already have some who tend the war graves and the grass near the main door.  The church has the equipment you might need; just ask me for the key.  I will also provide a risk assessment, general safety guidance and, if necessary, instruction on how to use the kit.  Note that we now have a fortnightly green waste collection, so if there is space please use the green bin rather than make the compost heap even larger than it already is!

Whilst we want to encourage wild flora and fauna we do need to keep the churchyard reasonably tidy.  The Community Payback Team ceased their visits during Covid and, although I’m still in contact with the organiser, they have not yet recommenced work in our area.  Therefore, unless we pay a professional it’s largely down to us as volunteers.

Randell McKay (Churchwarden St John’s).

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