The Great Big Green Week

The extreme weather in July and August has helped us all to realise that climate change is not something that will happen in the future but something that is happening now.

The Climate Coalition have designated September 24th – October 2nd as ‘Big Green Week’ which is intended to be a celebration of community action on climate change.

At St John’s Church we would like to mark this in two ways.

  • Firstly, with a Scavenger Hunt – with the aim of enthusing and engaging children with nature by having fun and discovering some of the natural things in our area. You are warmly invited to take part.

We will meet at the car park behind the Scout HQ near the skate park on Sunday 25th September at 2.30pm.

Please walk if you can, in keeping with the nature of the event! It would be helpful (but not essential) if you could bring a bag, a pencil and a wax crayon.

  • Secondly, we will also mark the week with the regular litter pick on Saturday 1st October at 10.30am. Please watch for notice of the location on Facebook and the Church website. All welcome, bring gloves and suitable footwear.

Children need to bring an adult to both of these events!

Claire Thompson

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