
Our churches will always be there to help families through one of life’s most difficult times. We offer funerals to those in our parish, giving support before, during and after the service, for as long as it’s needed.

If someone you know and love has died, a funeral led by our vicar can be held in one of our churches, in either of our churchyards, at a cemetery, or at a crematorium. The vicar and our pastoral team will be there to support you every step of the way.

Funerals in our parish will reflect the unique life of the person you knew. Whatever will help to make the funeral special, whether, Music, hymns, readings, poems, tributes even pictures can be shown in our services.

Our church funerals allow you to give thanks for your loved one in a way that gives comfort and hope. To talk about arranging a funeral with us, please contact the office in the first instance on 023 8073 8293 or email

You will need to tell the funeral director that you want a Church of England funeral as they may otherwise ask another minister. If the family of the deceased are local, we would normally visit them at home to plan the service. We also like to pray for the friends and family in our Sunday and daily services.